Although with a baby is a wonderful experience for every woman, nearly all women want their pre-pregnancy shape as soon as possible. Celebrity mothers with the help of nutritionists, nurses and fitness experts, on average, will return to its original shape faster than the average women. But they are not a good example to base your own postpartum weight loss goals. Do not be too impatient, trying to lose weight too quickly you can rebound. You should "Go Easy", and take these few steps to lose your weight after giving birth to your baby.

Give your body time to recover

It took months to prepare your body for the birth, and it takes time to recover. So, do not be too much in a hurry to calories, which for some time for your body to recover, it takes up to 6 months after pregnancy for the body to return to normal. You now have a new baby to care. It lists all of your energy, especially as you get to grips with "night-feeds". So instead of relying on your weight loss for the first 3 months, it is better for you to focus on healthy food with enough calories and nutrients to give you the power to intervene in the care of your new baby.

Exercise when you feel until you

During the time for your body to recover, it does not mean that everything you do, or completely ignore your body weight. You can use gentle exercise almost immediately after returning home. But any kind of vigorous and sustained exercise until after the first post-pregnancy check-up. There are a lot of post-pregnancy exercise available on the Internet, some leaders from there, or consult an expert on what types of exercises are suitable for you.


Did you know that breastfeeding is a good way of burning calories to the body? Generally, a new mother who breast feeds her new born child produced an average output of 850ml of milk per day. To generate this amount of breast milk, mother to consume about 500 extra calories per day during lactation.

Get your weight start program after 2-3 months

The rule in 2-3 months, your strength lies in the return and your time will be normal again. At this time, you can get to a healthy weight loss diet, and the more vigorous exercise. Not the goal for a quick weight loss, about 1 pound per week for optimal health, and is geared to your doctor. And you should continue to focus on foods to eat to save your strength and energy.

How long to make your way?

Most doctors and pregnancy weight experts will give you the same answer: It depends on how much weight you gained during pregnancy. On average, a mother gained 25 to 30 pounds during pregnancy and during birth, they normally lose 12 to 14 pounds, with 12 to 21 pounds for you to training after pregnancy. If your weight loss after 2 months of the recovery phase, and you lose 1 pound per week, there will be about 12 to 21 weeks to lose the extra weight. This means that you return your pre-pregnancy weight within 6-8 months after birth.

In Summary

Every woman wants to ensure their weight and body shape as soon as possible after the birth of her baby. But trying to lose weight too quickly, you can relax, so you should just be patient and take some time for your body to recover and start your weight loss program after the recovery time and of expert or a doctor.

Editorial Tips

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