Flat feet are commonly known, have a bad reputation for discomfort and pain. Although this is generally true, flat feet are very common, and there are entire populations of people around the world with flat feet, no problems with walking or standing. Within our population in the western world, shoe insert, and feet are not accustomed to working with flat feet and in other parts of the world where shoes are not worn by a very early age. In essence, while flat feet to do their share of foot problems, it is quite normal that they may be other biological flat feet is not a problem. It appears that the combination of our shoe-use (though necessary in modern life), relatively sedentary lifestyles and the hard surfaces, we must walk on all grounds on issues related to flat feet.

Flat feet are usually the result of their genetics from their families. Flattening is a normal part of the walk cycle of the foot, and in fact this is how the body distributes much of the shock forces with hiking. But in some people, the foot flat to the outside too much. This changes the way certain muscles in the foot and leg function to have, making numerous changes to the feet over time. These changes may also be chronic stress of ligaments and tendons, as well as the development of abnormalities, based on structural imbalance, such as bunions and hammertoes. Some people live their entire lives without any problems, if some people can be pain in childhood begin.

Because of the additional demand on the foot and leg muscles, people with flat feet are tired, to ease pain in the legs or cramp the activity. The vast majority of the time, a general discomfort or even pain is felt on the underside of the feet, especially in the arches. Strong flat feet can lead to hip, knee or back pain, because the burden to bear, finally, from the foot to the tapes of the joints further up the leg. In most severe cases, early arthritis can result in a number of joints in the feet. As mentioned above, people with flat feet bunions and hammertoes can change over time and are more prone to injuries of the heel and arch. The most common conditions I see in my office in conjunction with flat feet is plantar fasciitis, which causes damage to the plantar fascia, a band, the one on the heel and along the arc. Often misunderstood to be an offshoot of the heel (which may be present, but almost never causes pain), plantar fasciitis is almost always directly associated with bow loading by flat feet, and has little to do with the heel itself. High arches can plantar fasciitis, but for entirely different reasons.

Many people have flat feet, but to assume its arched foot is normal, because they can see an arc where they sit and their feet. The foot naturally bends into a curved inwards in a seated position, even in people with flat feet, misleading in the thinking of the arch is higher. Flat feet need to be evaluated, and if you are putting weight on his feet. Sometimes, the flattening is not obvious, but still impact the function of the foot yet. X-rays taken while you are on the feet represent the view of the foot structure is true, because the bones do not show obvious changes ever seen in a position outside the body.

There are numerous ways to treat flat feet. Some are more effective than others. Prescription shoe inserts are available for most people with flat feet. Many people start with over-the-counter operations for the construction of arch support. For people with more than a slight flattening of the amount, this is probably not enough support. Most over-the-counter inserts to cushion in order to bow to its flattening. Padded material is significantly compress when the body weight is on them, so that the support level dropped. Some over-the-counter insert designs are made of a plastic or composite materials that are supported, but are poorly tolerated because they are not specific to one person, the specific foot, and may cause further irritation. To really the arc in its entirety, one must add, not only of a shape of their foot, but by a mold, while the foot is in a certain position that the flattening eliminated. These types of operations are orthoses, and are medically throughout the country to stabilize flat feet. If properly made orthotics will eliminate over-flattening. If a form in which only the shape of the foot was taken prisoner, but no adjustment was made to the flattening, the insert is simply the flat walk and is much less effective. This is reflected sometimes when orthoses are fabricated by those who have poor training in foot mechanics. There are also now in many cases, the sites have the "orthotic fashion," and adds them to pretend to be orthoses. In reality, many of these missions are simply "over-the-counter devices, which are drawn from the shelf with rudimentary measurements that these operations are, which is a custom process. Do not be fooled by these devices, and pay less large sums of money unnecessarily. True orthoses are a recipe that requires a detailed examination of the foot by a foot specialist (usually a podiatrist), together with a written prescription insert and change specific to a person, the feet (a lot of angles and adjustment are in the process of orthoses on just one form of the foot to condition-specific). The treatment with prescription orthoses is usually successful against many symptoms associated with flat feet, and the conditions caused by flat feet as long as the foot is still flexible. If the flat foot is rigid, stiff, or orthotics will not help. ortheses realignment of the foot, so they work correctly, and over time will contribute to further progression of related problems such as bunions and hammertoes and conditions with regard to foot strain as tendonitis and plantar fasciitis. However, orthotics will not cure these conditions, when fully developed, such as deformities require surgery to fix and inflammation of foot strain and requires medication recreation. ortheses function as a long-term care for more serious conditions, particularly the elimination of fatigue associated with the flat feet. Richtig supportive shoes are a necessity in this equation, because without shoes with stiffer more supportive shoes, orthoses have to fight with the shoe, to function properly, so their effectiveness.

Unfortunately, severe cases of flat feet, where there is a severe deformity, or when the foot is in a flattened position require surgery on the reform of the foot in a functional form. In such cases, orthoses and supportive shoes are insufficient to stabilize the foot. Also leg fixation is usually not sufficient to cover the abnormal forces acting on the foot in these cases. Reconstruction is often the only response to these situations is relatively rare. There are a multitude of different types of procedures to an apartment on foot, each focusing on a particular component of the flat feet, to the most effective assistance. Since the deformation in a flat foot a variety of directions of movement, the surgical correction of the deformity is take all this into account, and be planned and based on the specific mechanics of the foot of the abnormal movement. Recovery from these procedures usually a period of non-weightbearing, and may take several months, depending on the complexity of the reconstruction. This operation is used by podiatrists and orthopedic surgeons trained in the foot and ankle, and can be very successful in many cases.

As you can see, many factors in the identification and treatment of flat feet. In general, only a simple recipe for development is necessary, the shoes to the foot tends to the arc, which helps prevent many of the problems associated with the foot flat feet. Surgery is required in advanced cases, which are usually very successful. Although many people with flat feet have no problems, it is simply a matter of time until they finally, to develop our Western feet are not conditioned to work well with flat feet total.

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